In the November 2009 issue of
Learning and Leading with Technology, Linda Amundson higlights 5 steps educators can take for organizing a classroom website that is accessible by students and parents from all types of diverse backgrounds, such as hearing, visual, cognitive, movement and speech impairments.
Step 1: Organize for Easier Navigation
Using headers that are tied to links is the most effective way of organizing your website so that students and parents can easily navigate through it. It is also recommended that you make your webpage size appropriate to the screen so that the use of a horizontal scroll is eliminated. Remember to not use fonts and backgrounds such as reds and greens that are indistinguishable to those with color blindness.
Step 2: Navigation Without a Mouse
The tab key and Access keys are easy ways for your website to be navigated without the use of a mouse. Your website, therefore, should be set up to be able to do so to allow for easier navigation to someone with visual impairments or a temporary disability such as a broken arm. Keep in mind that roll-overs and drop-down menus are inaccessible without a mouse and require more advanced internet programs such as Java Script.
Step 3: Text Explanation of Images
When including charts, images and audio or video clips in your website it is important to explain the images with written text. This allows for those with hearing or visual impairments to not miss out on certain areas of the site. Also, slower speed internet connections do not allow for ceratin video or audio clips and some images. Written text will allow a student or parent to be able to take advantage of all areas of your classroom site.
Step 4: Using Text that Makes Sense
When creating a link use written text that explains what the link involves so the student is not blindly clicking. One way to include more info about the link is use the "title" attribute. You can give the link a title within the link code and describe what the link does.
Step 5: Web Validators
Web validators check the accessibility rating of your website. After evaluating your website, a validator generates a report that lists any accessibility problems. This will aid you in looking for any "holes" in your website that might prevent a student from be able to access all areas of it.
Websites and webpages are a great way to display grades, information, class announcements, etc. to students and parents alike. We must remember, however, that we are dealing with parents and students from many diverse backgrounds who might have various disabilities. By following these steps we can create the most effective, organized website possible.
Source: Amundson, Linda. Five Steps to an Accessible Classroom Website. Learning and Leading with Technology. November 2009