Monday, May 3, 2010

Reflection on Blogging

Blogging has been a good experience so far. Although I don't have any followers and have no idea if anybody has even looked at my posts, it is neat to think I have the ability to make this compilation of thoughts and reflections to share and for others to be able to comment on them. A personal blog like this would be great for teachers to use in their classroom to convey homework assignments and reminders to their class, and also to display projects, reveal thoughts and reflections to parents and their students.

Before I was in Technology in the Classroom, I read several different blogs everyday. My favorite one is, a blog dedicated to Atlanta Braves baseball. If you do enough research there are thousands of blogs out there dedicated to different areas of interest. From my own experiences, blogs reveal a lot of insider information, that is otherwise not available through official websites. Posts, therefore, are fun to read and write and can be particularly useful, especially in the classroom.

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